synod 2020

Next Sunday (18th October) is Synod Sunday and reminds us that as an Archdiocese we are still on the road together towards this momentous event. Perhaps, we might see its postponement as a prophetic opportunity, giving us more time to listen to one another and read the “signs of the times” before making the necessary decisions that will help us to be “the Church God wants us to be”. If the events of recent months have helped you to clarify your thinking about the shape of the Church in the future, please remember to share your ideas with our Synod representatives, whose details are on the websites.

SYNOD Message from
Archbishop Malcolm

Archbishop Malcolm McMahon, in a message to the people of the Archdiocese
for Synod Sunday, said: ‘God is still asking us to reflect on becoming the kind of Church he is calling us to be and in many ways we have been invited to do this with a new urgency at this time.

‘Our Synod journey brings together the “imperatives” of co-responsibility, collaboration and genuine listening between Church leaders and the lay faithful. Synodality is an essential aspect of Church life today. Pope Francis is firm on synodality as the way forward. I am reminded of something that Pope Benedict said in 2012:

‘“Lay people should not be regarded as ‘collaborators’ of the clergy, but rather as people who are really ‘co-responsible’ for the Church’s being and acting … It is therefore important that a mature and committed laity be consolidated, which can make its own specific contribution to the ecclesial mission with respect for the ministries and tasks that each one has in the life of the Church.” (10 August 2012 to Catholic Action International gathering.)

‘This is very much your role in the next part of our Synod journey.

‘I need each of you to play your part in discerning the next steps forward. At the beginning of December each Synod Member will have to indicate which of the ideas and issues that they are most drawn to. They will need your input to do this faithfully. This will then enable us to present to you, in March, the Synod Proposals to be voted on in June. After June we will work on drawing up a Pastoral Plan in the light of the Synod Proposals which will be promulgated at the start of Advent 2021.’

The affirmations and summary proposals can be found at


Father, we thank you for the love you have shown us in the gift of Jesus, your Son. We thank you for the gift of the Church, through which you show us that you are always with us and are always at work in our lives.


As we journey together to Synod 2020 help us to become the Church that you are calling us to be. May your Holy Spirit be powerfully at work among us. Strengthen each of us and guide Francis, our Pope and Malcolm, our Archbishop.

Help us to respond to the challenges of our times in new ways to bring your love to all our sisters and brothers. We make this prayer through Jesus Christ Our Lord.




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